Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need to have my car restraint checked?
It is essential that your child car restraint is the correct one for your child’s size, correctly installed in the vehicle, and properly adjusted and fastened to fit them on every trip, to protect your child from serious injury and death in the event of an accident. Currently in Australia, it is estimated that over 70% of child car restraints are incorrectly fitted or used.
What services does the program include?
We will provide you with an appointment time with an accredited and experienced child car restraint fitter to check that your child car restraints are installed correctly in your vehicle. They will then make any necessary adjustments/changes and talk you through them so you’re better equipped to use the restraint for your child going forward.
What qualifications will the fitters working on the day have?
All child car restraint fitters working in the program are required to have the following minimum qualifications:
- A minimum level of 6 months experience fitting/checking child car restraints
- Successful completion of the 52778WA Course in Type 1 Child Car Restraint Fitting
- Membership of a network which provides auditing, regular updates and has a complaints process.
All fitters will be included in our Find a Fitter listing which are credible, experienced child car restraint fitters across Victoria.
Where will the events be held?
The events will be held at various locations across the western suburbs of Melbourne – the schedule and locations will be updated regularly on the Booking page.
How long will it take to have my restraint checked?
Bookings will allow for approximately 15 minutes per child car restraint in the vehicle. Depending on arrival times, you may have to wait for a short period of time before being attended to by a fitter.
I have 3 child car restraint in my vehicle – will I need to book 3 appointment slots?
When scheduling an appointment, you only need to book one appointment slot. The length of the session will vary depending on whether you have 1, 2, or 3 child car restraint that need to be installed or checked.
Who can attend?
If you transport children – whether as a parent, grandparent or carer – you are eligible to attend.
Who can’t attend?
Everyone with a child car restraint who transports children can attend, however the fitters are not able to sign off legal requirements on the day such as annual checks required for Family Day Care Providers. These will need to be booked separately on a fee-for-service basis as they are not covered as part of this program. We recommend contacting your local fitter through our Find a Fitter directory.
What is the cost for having my seat checked or fitted?
This is a free service. There is no cost for the child car restraint checks held on specified checking days – these checks are free of charge as part of Transurban’s commitment to providing families with free, expert child car seat fittings and safety checks.
However, please note that there may be a cost if a child car restraint is unsuitable for use (e.g. over 10 years of age or an overseas restraint) and needs to be replaced.
What happens if my child car restraint is assessed as non compliant or unsafe?
There will be options to purchase or hire a suitable child car restraint on the day if your child car restraint is deemed unsafe for your child. To minimise the chance of this happening, please undertake our ‘safety check’ before attending an event to find out if your child car restraint is suitable.
What if the fitter advises that I need an additional accessory?
Our fitters have strict criteria in terms of what is able to be used in what circumstances – it is anticipated that any minor accessories required will be covered through the program e.g. a gated buckle.
Do I bring my child with me?
If you have a child already using the restraint, yes, we recommend bringing your child with you to ensure the child car restraint is suitable for their size and adjusted to fit them correctly. If you are expecting a new baby, we recommend that you attempt to install the restraint yourself if practical, before booking an appointment at one of our free checking days. This will enable you to maximise the educational process.
Can I book in to have a new car restraint installed?
To get the most out of the educational process involved in the program, we recommend attempting to install the restraint yourself if practical before attending, to get used to the features and instructions. We encourage you to use our free Safe Seats, Safe Kids Child Car Restraint E-Learning Tool prior to your appointment for tips and advice on installing your child car restraint.
An accredited fitter can then check it for you, make any necessary adjustments/changes and talk you through them so you’re better equipped to use it going forward.
What if I need to cancel a booking?
This is a free event and places are limited, so if you can no longer attend, please cancel your booking prior to the event via the link in your confirmation email. Your place will then be available to another family.
What if I want to have my child restraint checked and the next event isn’t in my area for 6 months?
If you would like to have your restraint installed or checked and there isn’t an upcoming day near you, then you can pay for a fitter to undertake this outside of the program.Kidsafe Victoria’s Find a Fitter directory provides you with easy access to details of accredited, experienced child restraint fitters across Victoria.
These fitters can guide you through the process of fitting and adjusting child car restraints to ensure your restraints are correctly installed and your children are travelling as safely as possible. To search for a child car restraint fitter in your local area, simply enter your suburb on the Find a Fitter directory.